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Città Consigliati
  Nuova Delhi

Termini e Condizioni (version inglese)

The purpose of this Website is provided solely to assist you to gather travel information, determine the availability of accommodation, make legitimate bookings with our featured travel suppliers, and for no other purposes. Access to use any information on this website is conditional upon your acceptance of these website use conditions without modification. Please read them carefully. If you do not accept all of these terms and conditions, please do not use this Website.

Limitation of Liability

It’s in both parties understanding that we may not have conducted any quality assessments or other checks on the accommodation suppliers and we make no representations about the suitability of the accommodation offered for sale through this website. The accommodation offers by does not constitute any type endorsement or recommendation by We do not guarantee the accuracy of provided information and images by an accommodation supplier, and disclaim any liability whatsoever for any inaccuracies relating to the accommodation offered for sale through our website and our affiliates websites. may modify the content of this website and/or terms of use at any time, and such modification shall be effective immediately upon posting of the modified content and/or terms on the website and your continued use of or access to this website will be deemed to indicate your acceptance of the modified content and/or terms.

Any information placed on this website relating to accommodation suppliers advertised on the website including, but without limitation, details of the property, the availability of rooms, the rates of the rooms, the amenities available at the property level and room level, have been provided to by accommodation suppliers who are independent businesses and are not agents or employees of or its affiliates.

Such information does not constitute any recommendation or advice given by and shall not be held liable for inaccuracies or errors in the accommodation contents or any of its elements. These independent businesses provide the accommodation offer in accordance with their own terms and conditions which may limit or exclude their liability to you. is not liable for any acts, omissions, breaches or negligence of any such independent businesses or any damages or expenses resulting from the aforesaid. is not liable whatsoever for any refunds in the event of overbooking or force majeure or any other cause beyond accommodation suppliers’ control.
As acts only as a an intermediary we will have no responsibility for any errors in any documentation except where those errors were made by

Please check all details with the hotel at the time of booking.

Booking conditions is operated by Alia Global Services Srl, a registered company with contact details as shown on this page. Alia Global Services is NOT a travel agent or tour operator. We act only as a facilitator, between “you” (user of this website) and our accommodation suppliers, whose properties are featured on this website.

All reservations for accommodation are subject to the booking conditions of the chosen property. Customers are responsible for carefully reading the property’s booking conditions of which you are advised on the property details page and again at the time of booking.

Your reservation, when is made, it will be done directly with the chosen accommodation supplier and you enter into a direct contract with that property. After making the reservation, you will receive an instant confirmation email with all booking details and complete contact information for that supplier (address, phone number, email address), so you can address directly to the supplier all your inquiries.

It is your obligation to protect all your reservation information from being used by others.

Cancellation and credit card information

We only request credit card details to secure your reservation with the hotel on your behalf. We will never charge your credit card. We will never use your credit card information, we just transmit it securely to the property at which you’ve made your reservation.
Our site is secured with an 128 bit SSL Encryption.

In most cases you'll book now and pay the hotel at check-in or check-out. However, payment will only be taken if you fail to arrive at the hotel and you have not cancelled your booking, or you fail to cancel your booking within the terms of the hotel's cancellation policy. The cancellation policy can be found under "Room details" and "Hotel policies".

Some hotels do offer "Non-refundable/Prepaid" rates, which usually means a lower special rate. These rates will be charged to your card at the time of booking and cannot be cancelled or amended. Your card is debited directly by the hotel - not by us. Always check the property cancellation policy and room details before you book.

Special requests

Special requests are subject to availability and if the property is unable to meet any such request, neither, nor the accommodation, will have any liability to you in this respect. This request may incur an additional cost unless otherwise expressly stated in the description of the accommodation supplier, and if any additional cost is applicable this should be paid by you direct to the accommodation supplier.

Requests for cribs or cots must be specified at the time of reservation, in order to give this information to the accommodation supplier; however, we and the property cannot guarantee this request will be met.

Taxes, rates & fees makes every effort to ensure that any the prices listed are correct and includes all specified taxes & fees listed on the supplier details page, but we accept no responsibility if rates, taxes and fees shown are incorrect, or if they change between the times of confirming a reservation and check-in date, or between confirming and staying, or at any other time.

Currency exchange rates

For the currency exchange rates, the following terms and conditions apply: currency exchange rates are based on various publicly available sources and should be used only as guideline. Rates are not verified as accurate, and actual rates may vary. Currency quotes are updated only once a day. As well, the exchange rate may vary at the day when you will make the payment at the hotel, in local currency of their respective country.


Even most travel, including travel to international destinations, is generally safe, travel to certain destinations may involve greater risk than others. We urge customers to review travel prohibitions, warnings, announcements and advisories issued by their government prior to booking travel.


Best price guarantee

We guarantee that you will not get a better price for an identical item booked at the same time. In the unlikely event that you will get a better price, please let us know by emailing us written evidence of the lower rate.

  • Comparisons must be for the exactly same product (exact room type, occupancy, duration, meal included, etc.) and including/excluding the same elements (tax, service, any credit card charges etc.). Please note that some systems add these charges at the very final end of the reservation process.
  • The lower price must be available within 12 hours of the reservation.
  • This guarantee does not apply to prepaid/non-refundable rates.
  • Any hotels using dynamic pricing models (where prices fluctuate in real time according to the number of rooms already booked or provisionally booked) are excluded from this best rate guarantee – as their prices will inevitably vary by the minute or hour, going up or down. You can usually identify these hotels by the word "From…" against each room type.
  • Differences of less than 5 EUR will not be considered.
  • Auction sites and sites offering of the type of ‘Top Secret Hotel’ will not be considered.
  • Rates which include corporate discounts, coupons, negotiated prices, reward programmes or group rates will not be considered. has the sole right and discretion to determine the validity of any claim.

Events, circumstances and force majeure will not be liable for any effects, cancellation, changes, on your booking, loss or damage suffered by you or for any failure by the accommodation supplier and/or to perform or properly perform any of our obligations to you which is due to any event(s) or circumstance(s) if the non performance is caused by force majeure. Force majeure includes, but is not limited to, revolution, terrorist act, war, closure of borders, epidemic, natural catastrophe or other causes that seriously affect both parties and other unforeseeable causes beyond's and/or accommodation suppliers’ control.

Age and responsibility

You guarantee that you are 18 years of age or over and have legal capacity to use this website and to create a legally binding contract. You warrant that all personal information submitted during accommodation reservation is correct and you accept financial responsibility for all transactions made under your name or account. You hereby authorize to process all personal information about you and the persons named on the reservation that has been obtained in connection with your reservation. Personal information shall be deemed to include, but not be limited to: any telephone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses, addresses of residences, signatures, ID or passport copies, or any other information belonging to you or your group. The Personal Information that collects shall be obtained, processed and transmitted in compliance with European Directives, as well as any other such legislation that substitutes, complements and develops it.

Links and downloads may provide hyperlinks or pointers to other websites maintained by third parties which think may be of interest to our visitors of this website. Such other websites are not under the control of or maintained by and we are not responsible for the content of such websites. provides these links for your convenience only but does not monitor or endorse the material on them.


You are strongly advised to purchase travel insurance prior to arriving at your destination. It is your responsibility to check what your insurance covers. It is advisable that the purchased insurance to cover, the cost of cancellation by you, personal losses, all medical costs and the costs of assistance including return to your home country in the event of an major accident or illness.

Applicable law

The contents of our website and all reservation made using our website shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Romania. These terms and conditions and any dispute, controversy, proceedings or claim of whatever nature in relation thereto shall also be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Romania.

Where you (“the user”), or any of the people that you are making reservation on behalf of, are in breach of any of the provisions of these Terms or contravention of any laws or rights of a third party, we reserve the right to cancel your booking without refund or compensation in any way and recover from you any costs incurred as a result of your behavior.

Contact information
4-6 Academiei Street
Tel: +4 021 314 7551
Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 18:00 (GMT) / 03:00 - 13:00 (EST)